Vision statements focus on the potential inherent within a company’s future. It is a description of what the company intends or aspires to be.
In order for the company vision to be visible to all employees, it needs to be concise and relatable to every employee at every level. Bizquad Consulting and training take these 4 steps to make an effective vision statement are:
- Define your Company’s Output – what is the final outcome you want for your customers?
- Define the Unique Twist – what makes you different or special?
- Apply Quantification – how will you measure your progress along the way?
- Add “Human” Aspects – how can you make it relatable or tangible?
How does Bizquad help Employees Stay Focused on Your Mission Vision
- Hold company meetings bizquad way : Get everyone to attend and talk about how the organization is making an effort to reach it’s mission vision and goals. Staying transparent about the failures and the successes of the company will help your employees be more engaged and productive.
- Bizuad Surveys: Giving a survey to your employees about the mission vision will help you know if your employees actually understand what the vision is and how they play a vital part in the vision. If employees do not understand then you can find a different way to teach or train so that they can grasp what the goals are.
- Bizquad finds out what’s working and what not through TNA: When you initially present your mission vision to your employees you may find that a number of them will lean towards one aspect of the vision but might not be all in. Find out what went wrong by getting feedback. It could be that the vision is not challenging enough or that it’s too challenging. You then can tweak the vision to help your employees and organization succeed.
- Bizquad Assists in Making goals that are relevant to your employees: Employees need to feel that their work has a purpose. In order to do so, managers should meet with their employees and talk about goals they can set that is aligned with the company vision. By doing so, employees will find more meaning in their work and will be more engaged.
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